St. Christopher's Episcopal Church

Search Committee Digest

Progress to date

Following the retirement of our Rector on August 30, 2023, we entered a period of transition. The vestry appointed our 10-member search committee in late November and we have been meeting on a bi-weekly basis since early January.

Our process began with a one-time joint meeting with the vestry to discern the most important characteristics of this parish. At this meeting we agreed that the entire search process needed to be conducted prayerfully for our parish and for the person who would join us as Rector.

We decided to engage Holy Cow! Consulting to survey the congregation. The findings of our joint meeting were confirmed by the survey results and gave significant insights into our direction. In addition, we held story telling forums where people recounted their experiences in the church, remembered notable events, and shared what St. Christopher’s meant to them. We posted these on a timeline in the Parish Hall.  Interviews with staff and committee chairs further informed us.

Looking Forward

On July 1, our Parish Profile went live on the both the St. Christopher’s and the Diocese of Massachusetts websites. It also began the period during which we will accept applications. That period will end on August 30.

During September we will review all applications and schedule initial interviews with candidates. We estimate this will continue through October. We will follow this up with selected additional interviews, visits to parishes of candidates, and invitations to visit St. Christopher’s. Once we have selected our candidate to be our new Rector, we will present this candidate to the vestry for their vote to extend the call to the candidate.

Win McCausland, Chairperson
The Search Committee