St. Christopher's Episcopal Church

Liturgical Support Ministries

Worship at St. Christopher’s depends on the efforts of dozens of parishioners whose support and dedication allows services to run smoothly, beautifully, and meaningfully. We encourage you to consider being involved in any of the following areas. For more information or to volunteer, please contact the parish office.


Youth acolytes, fifth grade and above, assist at the worship services. Training is offered.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild sets the altar for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sundays and during the week, and then cleans up after the service. Members serve on teams. Susan Sargent, head.

Collation Guild

This group of parish members assists at funerals through hospitality in the form of refreshments or a meal following funerals and memorial services. Ann Ward, head.

Eucharistic Ministers

These persons administer the chalice of wine at our Eucharistic services. Training is required, and a commitment to serve on a rotation at our Sunday Eucharists.

Eucharistic Visitors

These persons take the Holy Communion from the Sunday services to those who are homebound. Training is offered occasionally throughout the year.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild arranges the flowers for Sunday services, festivals, weddings, funerals, and receptions. Arrangers are part of a team that arranges flowers. Members then deliver flowers to shut-ins, sick, or those celebrating life events. Patrice Milley, head.

Altar flowers in the sanctuary and Sibley Chapel may be given in memory or in thanksgiving of loved ones. The suggested donation is $100. Click here to make a secure online donation.


This group of parish members greets guests at the lower Narthex/foyer at the Choral Eucharist.


These persons lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People during the Sunday morning Eucharists. Training is offered occasionally throughout the year.


These persons read the scriptural lessons at the Sunday services on a rotating basis. Training is offered occasionally throughout the year.


Ushers greet and welcome members and visitors at the upper Narthex/foyer for the Choral Eucharist, and at the Chapel entrance for the Sunday Holy Eucharist, distributing worship leaflets, assisting in the seating of worshippers, and being attentive to those who need assistance. During Holy Communion they assist people moving to and from the altar rail. Ushers are also needed at special services.


These persons, appointed by the Rector, assist the clergy in the preparation and conduct of liturgies. In our parish we share duties among four Vergers, with the head Verger providing training and participating as part of the Liturgy, Worship and Music Committee. Vergers wear a chimere (sleeveless gown) over an alb. We hold regular training sessions with Eucharistic Ministers and Acolytes, with a special focus on high holy days. Sunday duties begin well before the appointed service time ensuring the proper setup of the credence table by the Altar Guild, verifying that all assigned participants have arrived (Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Lay Readers), making sure the Gospel Book is properly marked for the days lesson, lighting the candles, etc. The Verger works closely with the Altar Guild, so that all the details that make the service proceed smoothly have been addressed. This frees up the Celebrant and allows him or her to properly prepare for the Eucharist. David Smith, head.